Sunday, January 23, 2011

Song of the Day, 1/24/11

So can I tell you, how absolutely excited I am that is live??!?! I feel guilty, in my meager time in that state, that I didn't get to know the music scene better. I didn't feel like I had a door into it other than being all 'saddle creek tilly and the wall whatever' but I like to pretend if I had stayed there longer, I would have been all into it. Or whatever. Yeah.

So in honor of hear nebraska, here's a couple of songs that remind me of the time and place that was livin' it large in Lincoln.

The first song doesn't really have anything to do with Nebraska (sorry!) - it's actually by a Vancouver band that peaked likely before I moved there. I think this is the stand out track from their second (real) album - the only stand out track. I used to listen to this song almost every time I flew in to Lincoln or Omaha.

(Okay, maybe choosing that song was sort of mean. But really, I did listen to it every time, usually as the stewardesses were trying to get me to shut down my iPod as the plane landed. What were they gonna do, kick me off the plane? Leave me in Lincoln?)

This isn't exactly how I wanted this post to go. Or something. But you know, that bottle of Substance Syrah ain't exactly drinking itself!

Apparently the music video version also has a lame edit in the middle.

(Unfortunately, now that I'm halfway through this post, this has become a post about standout songs from otherwise weak albums from bands that burned through their star. SORRY. THAT WASN'T MY INTENTION. I BLAME THE RED WINE. SHIT. HAVE I MENTIONED I LIVE IN WASHINGTON? DECENT WINE IS CHEAP HERE. Although I really like the Faint's Wet From Birth, perhaps embarrassingly so. From start to finish. It grew on me.)

The other song I wanted to post is one that is from a Nebraska band, that even directly references Nebraska -- I remember listening to this song when the album first came out in 2003? 2004? and thinking "What the hell is an Eppley gate?"

(Sorry about the lame video link. Just flit on to another tab like I know you're going to anyways.)

I remember listening to this as I drove to Omaha to pick up (one of my) out of state boyfriend(s)*, wondering if anyone would ever wait for me to arrive at Eppley with enough anticipation and excitement to write a song about it. Or at any airport, for that matter.

Any time I've had a boy meet me at the airport, it's been at motherfucking Seatac, and I've had to pay for the cab back to Seattle. Or pay my own bus fare back to the city.

*(too drunk to remember if out of state boyfriend #1 flew into Lincoln or Omaha....)

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