Thursday, January 26, 2012

Song of the Day 1/26/2012

Just for a change of pace here's some nerdy rock music.

There's still almost two full days of this week left. This is simultaneously not enough time to get that thing done by the end of the week and an appallingly long wait until the weekend.

Bloody hell.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Song of the Day 1/19/12

This is odd. I don’t like The Go! Team, mainly because of their fucking stupid punctuation (although the same crimes don’t bother me when committed by Godspeed You! Black Emperor or Motörhead), and I don’t really like Best Coast (gorgeous vocals over not very good songs) and yet they combined to make this:

Which is obviously great.
Disclaimer: I’m still trying (and failing) to keep up with new music, I first heard this a couple of weeks ago (and then today in Trader Joe’s – one stop indie rock grocery shopping) so I’ve decided it counts.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Song of the Day 1/12/12

The best new Seattle-based music. This blog just continues to deliver on its promises. Sorry, I’ve been typing and trying to eat healthy foods, this hasn’t left me much time for listening to new stuff. The upside of this is technology is getting more awesome and there are more Top Pot donuts available in the Pacific North West.

Which brings us to this great song from the AV Club’s Undercover project, The Mountain Goats explode through Boxcar by Jawbreaker, a lot of good work done in about two minutes with a handful of chords. You’d have to try really hard not to like this. And you would fail. Fail!

Music starts at 1:17 – but you should watch the whole thing.
Free extree bonus fact: That guitar is just like mine!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Song of the Day 1/5/2012

Hey! Look! Song of the day is back!

I try to pick stuff that is current and based in Seattle and I almost always fail to do this. This is off the new Guided By Voices record (so 0.5 out of 2 isn’t bad).

This is them on Letterman from earlier this week, they’re kind of a sloppy mess (if you study the video really closely you might notice that the bass-player makes a tiny error), but Robert Pollard’s voice is dead on.

I don’t feel entirely comfortable saying “I like Guided By Voices” because they have so many songs and I’ve only scratched the surface (their best of “Human Amusements At Hourly Rates” seems to be the best way to start on this surface scratching: ). Their reputation suggests that even though they’re prolific not much of their content is must-have-indie-gold, but I’m envious of this ability to just crank out record after record. Especially because at the moment I have song-writer’s block, I can’t get my guitar to make a decent original noise – a cursory inspection of every good chord pattern I come up reveals that Pixies, Sugar et al. have already written, recorded and released the exact sequence of same notes 20 years ago.

Must be more like GBV.